Tuesday, February 12, 2008

SEIS Impact Assessment

The European Commission has published an accompanying documents to the communication paper "Towards a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)".
The Impact Assessment has been amended to take account of the recommendations of the Impact Assessment Board. In particular:
• more details are provided on plans for updating the standardised reporting directive 91/692/EEC, including an assessment of which reporting obligations could be repealed with this update, and what streamlining would be left to updates of the thematic legislation;
• the specific objectives and options have been streamlined and reduced in number; time horizons have been given for the specific objectives, and options are more clearly linked to the specific objectives;
• text has been included to explain more clearly how effectiveness, efficiency and feasibility considerations have been taken into account when assessing options;
• positive impacts on citizens' rights of access to available information, as well as potential reorganisation of public administrations, have been highlighted more clearly.

The Executive Summary of the Impact Assessment gives an overview of the rather volumunuos paper.


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